Where Perception Meets Reality

Your perception is your reality. Change your perception, change your reality.

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Perception vs. Reality

Perception is your perspective, which is based upon your experience. The definition of perception, according to Merriam-Webster, is “a result of observing”, it is “a physical sensation interpreted in the light of experience”, while perspective is “a mental view or prospect”. These definitions basically underline the way you view things, according to your past experiences. Your reality is comprised of a series of experiences that shape the way you see things.

  • What are the facts of the situation?
  • What does this situation remind me of?
  • What emotions am I aware of and extra sensitive to?
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“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.”

Bridging the Gap Between Perception and Reality

The best way to bridge the gap between what you perceive and what things actually are, is by checking in with yourself to understand fully. Just because something is your reality, doesn’t mean it is the reality.


Introspection is “the process of attempting to directly access one’s own internal psychological processes, judgments, perceptions, or states.”

Self reflection

Self reflection involves the “examination, contemplation, and analysis of one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions.”


Insight is “the clear and often sudden discernment of a solution to a problem.” It’s the result of self reflection and introspection.